Afterwards everyone stayed for a lunch which was really nice and we were able to chat with everyone and everyone got to hold Jack. He was totally the most popular guy of the day (obviously). I just love that everyone that meets my little guy loves him. I know the same is true for all babies, but I like to pretend he is special. And he definately is a very, very loved baby.
I made a special cake for the lunch like a big nerd. I took me 6 hours on Saturday. It's a pirate ship cake because I couldn't think of a blessing themed cake and Jack LOVES to be a pirate (more on that later) so I thought it fit.
So to my captain Jack, your pirate cake.

After the lunch our families and Russell and Jamie came back to our apartment and we played WII.. soo much fun!
For your viewing pleasure the whole Timon/MacLean clan. I do wish we'd gotten a cousin/aunts/uncles picture too, but oh well!

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