Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby Food

When I was pregnant with Jack I had all the best intentions for making all my own baby food for him, then he was born, I was overwhelmed and forgot my desires. This morning as I sat staring at a basket full of peaches I was never going to eat my desire returned and I spent the morning making baby food for him to eat in a few months when we start him on it. I made banana's, green beans and peaches of course. I wish I had started earlier in the summer so I could have caught more fruits and veggies in season, but I'll just start from where I am. My Dad will have a good squash from his garden for me to use. We always go apple picking on thanksgiving so I'll get lots of farm fresh apples and the rest will just have to be out of season.

I thought the making of baby food would be tedious, but it soo wasn't! And it got me started feeling all home makey so I followed it up with fresh bruchetta Bread for Branden and I for lunch and fresh brownies for dessert.. yumm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love making our babies food, and BOY IS IT CHEAPER! I feel good, too, knowing exactly what's going in their mouths. :) Good job you!