Now that I'm out on my own I do not celebrate St. Patricks day with the revolting meal of my ancestors past. In fact we barely did anything to celebrate it (although I did gather all kinds of fun ideas for when Jack is older). What I did do is dress Jack and I in our green irish best for the day.

We went grocery shopping all decked out and as I was checking out a very old Irish man came up to me nearly in tears. He spoke in a thick Irish accent of being an Irish immigrant and profused over the adorability of Jack and how proud he was of me for displaying my Irish pride. It made this old man's day to see Jack and I all decked out. I must have spent 10 minutes talking to him. Listening to a few of his stories and him telling me over and over again how happy his wife would be when he told her about our wonderful Irish outfits. It really made my day that something so simple made this man so happy. It was a great day!

1 comment:
i LOVE the green. you 2 look hot! :) and i love corned beef and cabbage. it's one of our favorite meals. lol.
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