You know that feeling that I"m sure every Mother gets, the feeling where you look at your little baby doing the most adorable thing and you can literaly feel your heart melt to puddles! Jack is being so cute today that mine is liquified. I can't believe that I love him more every day than the day before!
why do you give him water? im just curious if i should be doing it. hahaha
We give him water because he was starting to eat so much more often awhile ago and we wondered if he was just thirsty so tried water and turns out he was, it was around the time he had a bit of a cough so he just needed something to wet his throat I think.. Its not a should be doing thing, more like you actually CAN once they get to about this age.. He's been sick and barfy lately too so we've been giving him lots to keep him hydrated. He loves water now and its helped with him being more and mor eokay with the bottle because he's using it every day. (holy long explanation robin!) when do you guys come to canada?
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