Birthday boy excited to celebrate!
Well, Jack isn't yet one, but we did celebrate his birthday yesturday. Branden starts back to work tomorrow and me next Monday so we decided to get the stress out of the way before we get super busy.
It was a great party. We had it at my parents house and lots of family was there. Jack had so much fun, but was dead tired by the end of the day.
I tried to go all out for it, I mean you only turn 1 once right! Branden thought I was ridiculous, but it all turned out really great. Except my monkey truffle pops. they tasted good, but did not look as nice as I had hoped and definately were not worth the 5 hours of effort.
The theme as you can guess from my last paragraph was monkey's! everything was monkey, the birthday sign, the cupcakes, the treat bags, the truffle pops. It was great.
Jack got some great gifts, including a motorized bus from my cousin Zach and his girlfriend Kiera, a block dump truck from his aunt and uncle, a trainset and adorable outfit from grandma and grandpa, an awesome winnie the poo suit case from cousin Bailey and the ability to pick out his own gift from the toy aisle from Aunt Sue and Uncle Randy.
He loved his first cupcake experience. He seriously could not get enough of it and went onto a serious sugar high for about 10 to 15 minutes after it. At one point he ran across the room screaming at his cousin Thomas, attacked stole he bottle and nearly killed the baby. He was out of control hilarious running and screaming until he pretty much collapsed from exhaustion.
All in all It was a great time and I'm so grateful for everyone that came and celebrated with us.
Now, onto some pictures from the event.

Jack could not get enough of the cupcake!
Soo cute!! I saw these on Facebook too--how on earth did you do the pop can labels?
holy crap robin! you reAlly did go all out! such cute ideas! i have already been kinda stressing about sierra's bday in 2 months. lol i love the monkeys!
Cute, cute, cute!!! What a lot of work!!! The soda labels are great!!! I really love the banner too!!!
oh my gosh robin! you did such a great job. everything looks awesome! you lil miss martha stewart. haha. i seriously love everything you did. the sign was awesome and the soda labels were sweet. great job!
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