Recently I've gotten back into sewing in a big way. I've been trying all sorts of little projects for Jack. Some have worked, some have not. Some are done and some are not. If this little nugget inside of me is a girl though I promise that my inner seamstress will be unleashed. There are just way to many cute clothes I can make for her and I"m really excited about that. As for Jack I thought I'd show off a few of the things I've made for him lately. The things that are finished are halloween related.

These are some halloween pj's I made him. I couldn't get a good picture, because he was playing with the keyboard and pretty much as still as he's going to get when awake. He is not destined to be a model. I made the bottems too small though, hence the racing stripes in orange material down the side. They are still too small on his tushy. My problem was that I used a pair of his pj's that fit him now as the pattern. But the material they are made of is stretchy and this material, not so much. So his booty hangs out the back, they are still cute though, dorky racing stripes and all and I've learned my lesson for next time.

This is his trick or treating bag that I made him. Pattern from this lovely blog here--->
Barefoot in the Kitchen Mine is less girly than hers, obviously and I didn't make the lid because I tried and it kept being too small and I figured who needs a lid anyways. you want easy access to that candy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how this one turned out and Jack has great fun with it already shoving random crap into it and taking it around the house. I also made one for my nephew Thomas, but gave it to him before taking a picture. His is dark blue material, its cute too, but in the future I wouldn't use such a dark material because you couldn't see the jack'o'lantern face as well.
Anyways those are my current sewing adventures. I'll let you know as I finish more.
you are so good! i wish i had a sewing machine and knew how to use it well. i have all these projects in my mind. but i love the pumpkin!
OH I know I have about a million projects I want to do and if this next baby is a girl I'll probaly go nuts! HOnestly I'm not a good sewer though, you should get a machine and just start trying, its mainly about practice. I've taken a few classes and my Mom is fairly good so I always have her to go to.. and I miss you too! I love ya Jacq! I wish Idaho was closer so I could come visit!
oh man - you are awesome! I love the things you made!
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