Well its been awhile hasn't it. Last time i wrote was before I had Dean and now the little lad is 3 months. To say the last 3 months has been crazy and busy would be an understatement.
In the past three months I had the wonderful and beautiful Dean Patrick Owen MacLean. He weighed in at 7lbs 1 ounce and was 22.5 inches long. Branden finished his exams. I went into a short lived postpartum crazy area. We bought a house and moved. We've now been here 6 weeks we have painted almost the whole thing, ripped out half the garden (and are still working on the other half) We've replaced windows and had about a billion family BBQ's (We now live in the same condo/townhouse complex as my parents, aunt uncle and cousins. its great!) I've been in a car accident and ganked up my back bad. Dean learned to roll from front to back (at 8 weeks crazy boy) and is working hard on back to front. Jack is getting cuter and more talkative by the moment. He makes noises/slash/talks all the day long. it goes something like this.. giberish, gibberish,gibberish. lets go mom. gibberish gibberish gibberish. you have never seen a kid talk more with saying less. he is probaly THE MOST friendly kid you will ever meet. I seriously have to watch him so closely because he has no stranger hesitation and makes friends with kids and adults alike everywhere we go.
Jack LOVES Dean. He has his jealous moments, but I"m proud to say he has not yet hurt or lashed out on dean on purpose Many accidental hurtings. he frequently tries to pick up dean and fails and drops him, or gets excited running around and trips on deans head or stomps on his hand. But such is the life of a second child. Dean also loves Jack he puts up with toys being shoved in his face, Jack gettign all up in his grill "tickling" him and being tripped on constantly and does nothing but smile and laugh at his ridiculous older brother.